Greetings, and God’s blessings to you all from the US territory of Puerto Rico. As some of you are aware, I’m away from Rapid City this week, joining with my daughter, Alexandra as well as some youth and adults from Westminster Church for a mission trip. We say “mission trip,” but really we mean that we have traveled somewhere new to help; to learn; to be a part of what God is already doing in this place. While far from “home” in South Dakota, you all are on my mind and near to my heart, and I look forward to sharing with you when I return.
This coming Sunday, June 23, I plan to be with you for worship (assuming weather/airlines/etc. cooperate), as we reflect on a passage of Scripture from Mark 4. In this account, Jesus is asleep in the boat and His disciples are in distress. “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” they ask him, after they shake him from his slumber. Jesus responds to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” He then turns to the disciples, asking, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?”
I think it’s clear that some of the things that are really important to me, are not nearly so important to God. I’m often concerned about my comfort (or discomfort), what others may think of me, what possessions I have (compared to others), or even what other people say about me. What am I afraid of?
Through the experiences of travel and encountering a new culture, I am reminded that in times when I am uncomfortable, I am more likely to look to God. It is when I don’t have the right answers and I don’t feel confident or “expert,” that I am humble enough for God to utilize me to make an impact in the world.
Does Jesus care about my comfort? Jesus didn’t care much about His own comfort, but He did care about was doing the will of God. How can I rearrange my priorities and focus to be more in-tune with who God has created me to be, and how God desires for me to live? I have FAITH. I don’t need to be AFRAID. What do you think? Share your thoughts with me via email or on the blog.
Very truly,
Pastor Adam