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"Go and Tell!"

Writer's picture: Pastor AdamPastor Adam

Holy week, Easter Sunday, the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ – it’s all come and gone. We celebrated this past Sunday and not even falling snow could meet the enthusiastic “Hallelujah Chorus” that yet rings in our ears. But now what do we do? Finish eating the jellybeans, the chocolate bunnies, and store away the fake grass, baskets, and plastic eggs for another time. What do we do with our faith? Where do we go from here?

As we discussed this past Sunday (check out the sermon online if you missed it), the resurrection provides us with the opportunity to continue following Jesus. In Mark’s Easter story, the angel at the tomb, told the women, “he is going ahead of you to Galilee.” Jesus still goes ahead of us…and he calls us to follow. In our scripture message for this coming Sunday from John 20, we will consider the response of the disciples and especially Thomas, to their post-resurrection encounters with Jesus.

“Doubting Thomas.” That’s the phrase that comes to mind when I consider this disciple. Many of us learned the story in Sunday School when we were little. Jesus appeared to His disciples, but Thomas wasn’t there at that time. His friends told him about the encounter, but Thomas wouldn’t believe unless he had the chance to see for himself. How would you respond? Are we a bit harsh on Thomas? Are you the kind of person who finds it easy to take someone else’s word for it, or do you need to see things for yourself? “Hey Dad, I washed all of the dishes without being asked…” this one I need to see for myself. “Have you brushed your teeth AND flossed? Come here, let me see how you did.” It’s not that I don’t TRUST my children, but sometimes I need to see for myself.

What can we learn from Thomas? Maybe I am more like him than I want to admit? Is it a problem to be like Thomas, to want to see the miracle of Jesus firsthand? Now that Easter Sunday has come and gone, will you live in a new way? How will the resurrection affect your attitude? Your faith? Your actions? Thomas wanted to see with his own two eyes, but tradition tells that he went on from the resurrection, traveled to India to share the good news, and was willing to die for what he believed. I guess he wanted to be sure that the good news of Jesus Christ was something he could stake his life on…and he did.

Christ is Risen! Go and tell!

I look forward to seeing you soon. 

Very truly,

Pastor Adam

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