Our church calendar includes specific dates and observances. The church year begins with the four Sundays before Christmas, called the Advent Season. Starting December 25 (Christmas Day), we celebrate the 12 days of Christmas, concluding on January 6 which is also referred to as Epiphany. The word “Epiphany” refers to the many and varied ways that God has chosen to REVEAL who God is to people throughout history. The season of the Sundays after Epiphany continues until the season of Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday (which falls on March 5 this year). The season of Epiphany focuses on how God reveals light, hope, and love through Jesus.
The Presbyterian Church USA has a governing document referred to as The Book of Order. The Book of Order contains instructions and information regarding our church’s Foundation and Polity, Form of Government, Worship, and Church Discipline. In the initial section on the foundational teachings of the church, it lists the “Great Ends of the Church,” including “the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.” (F-1.0304). I love the idea that a purpose of our church is to show people what God’s kingdom is like.
I believe that First Pres Rapid City, our church, is effective and successful in demonstrating to our neighbors and community what God intends the world to be like. While there is always room for improvement, I would like to highlight some of these successes in the coming weeks.
Maybe you have an idea you would like to share or spotlight! If so – please reach out. What do you think? If the season of Epiphany focuses us on how God reveals light, hope, and love through Jesus, one “Great End of the Church” is the exhibition of the kingdom of Heaven to the world, and the mission of First Pres is to “Seek Christ and serve others until all things are made new” – how do you think we are doing? Where can we grow and what should we celebrate?
Happy New Year, and I hope to see you soon.
Very truly,
Pastor Adam